The Unusual Times

Absurdly Unusual & Delightful Gifts for Mother's Day

No material Mother’s Day gift can do justice to the love we have for our mothers. It is of course time and attention that we can best give. But having said that, might we offer a rather lovely accompaniment to this time spent together? We suggest a gift that is floral yet not an (utterly predictable) bunch of flowers – curious?

Bursting into existence mere weeks before Mother’s Day, Hendrick’s Flora Adora has made it very easy indeed for those seeking a rather more unusual Mother’s Day gift. Not that you’re competitive with your siblings, but the fact that you will be the first to gift your mother Flora Adora will be noted (as your mother politely puts the chocolates your brother gave her on the shelf). Flora Adora was conceived of within the walls of the HENDRICK'S GIN Palace Garden; here in this peaceful corner of rural Scotland, where the bees dance in dizzy reverie, feasting on a banquet of fragrant flowers laid out especially by our Master Distiller Ms Lesley Gracie.

Flowers are fleeting in their beauty, but a long jolly afternoon of cocktails and conversation can leave a happy memory to last an eternity. There is of course no perfect Mother’s Day gift, but Hendrick’s Flora Adora Gin is pretty blooming wonderful for those seeking Mother’s Day cocktail ideas.

Mother’s Day Cocktails

Though the FLORA ADORA does make a remarkable Hendrick’s & T­­­­­onic, might we dare you to try something new? The HENDRICK’S FLORA ADORA Wildgarden Cup is resplendent in a fresh refined floral fruitiness far more from the everyday. A perfectly balanced gin cocktail.


  • 1 part Lemon Juice
  • 1 part Simple Syrup
  • Top with Soda
  • 4 Raspberries, 6 Mint leaves and 3 Cucumber Wheels to Garnish
- YouTube


  • Fill glass with cubed ice.
  • Add raspberry & mint to glass, add HENDRICK’S FLORA ADORA, lemon and simple syrup then gently mix.
  • Top with soda, gently mix again and garnish with cucumber.

Not unusual enough for you? Other Mother’s Day gifts for those wishing for even more unusual gifts include the following:

  1. Penning your own opera and having it performed by giraffes
  2. Sculpting the image of your mother’s face from the clouds in the sky

Constructing a jigsaw 2-miles-high of the images of you and your siblings, made of marzipan


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